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Image of Jack-o-lantern
Halloween Costumes and Activities at KELSET
Oct 31, 2024      
All Day

Halloween at ḰELSET

Staff and students are invited to wear costumes on Thursday, October 31 for Halloween festivities.  Students will be provided with a choice to wear a costume, wear orange and black, or their regular clothes.  There is no pressure for your child to come to school with a costume.  There will be fun activities within each class that will be inclusive for all students, and a "dance parade" in the gym for primary and intermediate classes. 


Costumes need to be elementary school appropriate.  Nothing gruesome or scary, and any weapons need to be left at home.  Masks need to be easily removed for learning activities and for safety. 

Please remember that costumes, even with good intentions, may make others uncomfortable, scared, upset, even insulted or humiliated.  Before a costume is created/worm, the following questions should help to determine the appropriateness of costumes:

  • Does the costume depict or perpetuate a stereotype or stigma associated with a particular race culture, religion, world event or gender?
  • Would the costume be considered offensive to a particular race, culture, religion, or gender?
  • Is my costume culturally appropriate?  (link to a diagram poster)

If there is any concern about a costume being in good condition for trick-or-treating by the end of the day, please do not send it to school.

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