Vision Test for Grade 3
They'll be here between 9:00 and 10:00am to check in on each child in Grade 3! The wonderful folks at the Central Saanich Lions Club have organized vision testing for all Grade 3 students in our district. Using a handy, portable device called the Spot Vision Screener, both eyes are assessed for any vision issues. From what I gathered, it was quite an easy and smooth experience, thanks to the fantastic volunteers who helped organize everything. This free program is all about identifying children in our community who might be experiencing vision problems. The Spot Vision Screener will check the child’s eyes comfortably from a distance of three feet, allowing for a quick assessment of any potential common vision challenges such as:
· Hyperopia – farsightedness
· Myopia – nearsightedness
· Astigmatism – blurred vision
· Anisometropia – unequal refractive power
· Gaze – eye alignment measure
· Anisocoria – unequal pupil size