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Pick-Up Planning

Pick-Up Planning

Keep Our Community Safe

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a smooth drop-off and pick-up process. Our main challenge is when drivers leave their vehicles in the drop-off lane during peak times. This delays buses, disrupts schedules, and causes traffic to back up, preventing anyone from leaving the lot. If everyone uses the drop-off lane as intended, our parking lot runs smoothly! Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Together, we can ensure a smooth and efficient drop-off and pick-up experience for everyone!

There are two ḰELSET Crossing Guards, both on Forest Park Drive. Crossing Guards are on duty from 8:15 until 8:40 and from 2:48 until 3:18.

Traffic in the parking lot and on Forest Park Drive will be congested at peak pick up and drop off times. The following suggestions serve as important reminders for those attending ḰELSET and for our new families. We ask that parents be patient and cautious and show consideration for others, especially our students. Please:

  • drive SLOWLY, obeying posted speed limits;
  • obey all signs, including anti-idling signs;
  • use the drop off/pick up areas as intended, not for parking;
  • do not make U-turns on Forest Park Drive;
  • be respectful of our school neighbours (avoid turning in their driveways, etc.);
  • allow yourself extra time, so that you are not rushed;
  • consider the school bus, carpooling, walking, cycling and other “green” options; and if possible, avoid the peak drop off time (8:30- 8:40 a.m.) and drop off between 8:20 and 8:30 and avoid the peak pick up time (2:45- 2:55), arriving at 3:00;
  • do not park in staff marked parking slots.


Please note that there is RESIDENTIAL ONLY parking on Haro Park Terrace.

There are a few drop off spots on the south side of Forest Park Drive. We encourage you to come up Forest Park Drive to see if there are any spots on the north side of the road, using them if possible. If necessary, please loop through the parking lot, which will enable you to turn left and park in available spots on the south side of Forest Park Drive. Please do not make U-turns on Forest Park Drive and avoid turning in the driveways on Haro Park Terrace. Please use the sidewalk and go to the crosswalk, to ensure safety in crossing Forest Park Drive.

Parents may park in the north end of the Panorama lot, during school drop off and pick up times. We appreciate this support from the Panorama staff! Again, please use the crosswalk, to ensure safety.

There is also parking on the south side of the Panorama lot, near the tennis courts and the Panorama administrators welcome ḰELSET parking there. The lot is close to the chip trail so children and parents can enjoy some fresh air and a brief walk on the trail, coming out right at the crosswalk.