UPDATE: Naturescape Fundraising
Great news on our New Naturescape Play Area fundraising efforts...
A huge thank you to PAC Playspaces Committee for all their efforts in writing grants and fundraising! We were successful in a grant application from the Greater Victoria Saving & Credit Union Legacy Fund for the amount of $9,500! Way to go!
Thank you to PAC for allocating an additional $5000 to support this wonderful project!
Check out the article in the Peninsula Review about our project: https://www.peninsulanewsreview.com/local-news/north-saanich-school-seeking-donations-to-build-new-playground-7646214
We are currently at $29,000 and growing!!! We have a couple posters in the school showing money raised toward our goal of $140,000.
We will have more fundraising opportunities and events throughout the school year. We are hoping to have all the money raised by the end of this school year for the project to begin in July.
Thank you everyone for your ongoing support!